Meet The Team

Rev. Dr. Blake Wood
Blake is joyfully married to Lori and they have five children together. He has been in full time ministry for
nearly 40 years as a church planter, pastor, missionary, and mission agency executive. In addition to leading the TWPC team, Blake serves as lead pastor of Faith Community Church in Harrisonburg, VA.
Blake has spiritually invested in hundreds of leaders in the Middle East since 2001through training, shepherding, and mentoring; and they in turn are impacting thousands with the grace and truth of Jesus.
Blake is a graduate of the University of Maryland, Asbury
Theological Seminary and Regent University. In this final third of life and ministry, Blake is most passionate about sitting at the feet of Jesus and asking “Lord, teach me to pray” and sharing those insights with others.

Rev. Ebenezer Murengezi
Vice Chair
Ebenezer Murengezi was born in Rwanda. He is married with 5 children.
A former refugee for 22+ years in 4 different countries, he has acquired multiple languages (French, Swahili, English, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kikuyu) and survival skills.
Through all things, his faith in Jesus has grown and allowed him to overcome genocide and war trauma. He uses his experience to help the community heal, drawing all people to God.
His love for prayer began, at age 6 at the start of the war. Prayer become a matter of survival. Through miracles from answered prayers, God showed himself to him and his family and learnt to live only through prayer.
He believes that one can NOT achieve intimacy with God without a life centered on prayer. Simply put prayer is everything John 15 talks about.
In 2017 God gave him a vision to reach 20 Millions souls for Christ, and it was until 2020 that God made it plainly that this vision is to be accomplished through prayer. He since moved from from Virginia to Maryland at the Prayer Center to initiate and pioneer this work of intercession for USA and Nations.
In addition, he is also a senior pastor at Crossway Christian Church in Spencerville MD, where he is leading a vision of Saturating Maryland with Churches. All to God be the glory! Amen.

Rev. Chris Pulice
Chris Pulice, along with his beautiful wife and five children (the fifth is on the way) live in Aberdeen, Maryland. Chris serves as a Church Planting Coordinator for the Acts 12:24 Conference, and Mission Advancement with Church Development Network. He graduated from Northeastern Seminary in 2013 and has a passion for multiplying churches in creative spaces and places.
(Learn more at www.churchdevelopment.network)

Peggy Poole
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John Davis
Legal Counsel
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Akram Hadeed
Prayer Mobilizer
Akram Hadeed is passionate about the Lord Jesus and mobilizing prayer for all people and places. He is a husband to Susie and a father to Jasmine, Sarah and Matthew.
He lives in College Park, MD. Graduated from the University of Maryland with a BS in Computer Science. He worked in technology for 19 years before being called to leave his job in January, 2020 to focus full time on Streets of Prayer. Now he is using his technology skills to build the Streets of Prayer App. The goal of the App is to mobilize every believer in the world to pray for seven and prayer walk their streets so that we can cover every person and street in prayer by 2030.
Akram Hadeed joined forces with TWPC in April, 2022 and is enjoying every minute of it. It's been a beautiful and amazing journey of mutual encouragement and collaboration. The vision of Streets of Prayer found a physical home at TWPC. He knows that God is able to do exceedingly more than he can ask or imagine. So he can't wait to see how this all will unfold.