Why now? Why here?
We believe this is a kairos (divinely strategic) moment in history. We are, according to Jesus, in the last days and we are closer to the last of the last days than ever before. We recognize there is growing spiritual opposition but, more importantly, a divine increase in opportunities and empowerment. We are convinced that we can most fully participate in God’s work in this critical season through passionate and persistent prayer. Jesus left behind only one structure – a prayer meeting, the Upper Room gathering – through which He intended to empower His followers to change the world.
We realize that our Lord has always met and moved among His people in a specific time and space setting – a tabernacle, an upper room, a burning bush. There are certain spaces that the Spirit of God seems pleased to dwell, in particularly deep ways, when they are consecrated to Him and His people hunger for His Presence. The Camp Meeting in this place was consecrated to the Lord almost a century ago. Thousands have encountered God’s grace and truth here over the decades. We believe it is the Spirit’s timing to “re-dig” a cherished old spiritual well that has had limited flow in recent days. This historic Camp Meeting and Tabernacle will once again be a place of deep spiritual vitality and fruitfulness.
A century ago, this setting was not perceived as being on the doorstep of the Nation’s capital; nor was it in the midst of one of the most ethnically diverse counties in the nation. Nonetheless, the Lord of the Harvest and the Hope of the Nations, knew this season would come and has preserved this place for “such a time as this.” A place where we will pray for our nation and for the nations! A place where the prayers of God’s people will have national and international influence.

Core Pillars
Supporting Values:
​Hungering for God’s Presence through fasting.
Maintaining a teachable posture wherein we humbly ask, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).
Modeling the centrality of the Lord’s Prayer (Mathew 6:9-13).
Agreeing with the Church in asking the Lord to enable His servants to speak His word boldly, to stretch out His hand to heal, and to perform miracles, all in the name [and for the fame] of Jesus (Acts 4:29-30).
Believing the Lord wants this to be a space for encounter and empowerment so that similar expressions of prayer will be reproduced in homes, churches, communities, and nations.